Today I successfully completed my OSHA forklift training and certification at the Unicor’s parts warehouse. I am now authorized to drive Power Industrial Trucks. Although the position that I was hired for is an admin clerk job I still wanted to have the ability and experience to assist in other areas of the warehouse when there is time. I rather stay busy and pass the time helping out where I can rather than be idle. So far I have noticed that the work comes in waves. There may be a big order come in and everyone gets busy and then there are slow periods with not much to do. Once I get cleared for the computer work I will use my spare time to get SAP Certified. I have also signed up for 2 ACE classes for Money Management class and 7 habits of successful Individuals class in the mornings as well as 2 recreational classes in the evenings .That will pretty much filled up my days between work and Ace classes and recreational classes to where ill be busy from 7 am to 7 pm each day during the week. This will allow me 2 hours during the week and weekends to still work on a few correspondence courses in currently working on. I am also going to explore what other education options there are via correspondence to better prepare myself for a successful reentry to society and to avoid repeating the bad decisions I made that brought me to prison to begin with.I continue to stay optimistic and focused on reaching my goals and leaving this experience a stronger, smarter, better prepared person.