As I continue to comprehend how completing RDAP actually caused me to stay in prison longer, I begin to utilize the very tools RDAP taught me. After serving 13 years and 2 months on my 15 year sentence, I’m utilizing resilience as I push through the defective side of our Judicial system. My thought isn’t poor me or the victim role, In fact, it’s the opposite. Every single day of my last 13 years I’ve purposely and intentionally applied myself extensively towards transforming my mindset so that my thinking will create new results upon my release. My hope and goal in reentry is to launch a career in recovery as I feel I have a “God-like” calling to utilize my past experiences in helping others who like me were trapped in their cycle of horrible decisions. Decisions that also like mine came with devastating consequences. So, In my most disappointing moment of systematic failure I’m re-channeling my frustrations towards reentry, and, I’m learning how to use life’s Setbacks to fuel my drive…..