Journal Entry: Marcus Sean Hix-11/16/2024

Journal Entry

How can learning about blockchain and crypto help you to find new jobs after release?

I think that blockchain and crypto could be a big part of our econmoy because our paper money it outdated with how fast technology is changing. I can se our country and the world using digital currency more in the future because of the ease of making transactions all over the world very easy and digital. If that happens then we will need to learn how to use it and how it works in investing. If we learn about digital investing it will open up more avenues to a new career path. Since this is a new thing getting in early would be beneficial to somone who wants to start a new career.

What factors do you think would be important when considering digital investments?

Like all investments one should do many hours of research and chacking if that investment is good for that person. To see how much risk is involved and if it will pay out slow over time or very fast with much more risk.