Journal Entry: Marcus Sean Hix-02/10/1025-Board of Directors

Journal Entry

  1. What characteristics would you want the people on your Board of Directors (BoD) to have? I want the people on my BOD to believe in themselves. I think that is most important trait to have. It is much like having roommates living in a close place. If one person has a negative attitude or bad traits than that can spread to others and create problems. That is why it is very important that the BOD must be strong and willing to work with each other.
  2. What strategy could you deploy yo build a BOD? I want to interview each person looking at their background and filling each position with a different strength. That will allow all problems to be solved with the strength of each person.
  3. How would the people on your BOD respond to the adjustment strategy you’re using now? I want the stronger BOD to see and understand being able to work with all types of people and personalities. I have learned that being in here and able to work with each person looking at problems and using that person to solve problems. We all have to adapt to the various issues that come up.
  4. What would your BOD expect from you? Just like I would expect the very best from them I will return the very best to them and be open to communication always learning and building teamwork, helping each other in times of need.
  5. What would you expect from your BOD? I want my BOD to always look forward to solving problems and to be open in accepting others in the BOD.
  6. What tools could you create to empower those on your board to help you? I’m thinking the tools I create is each person’s broad experience in various issues. I hear often” we are going to use all the tools in the toolbox.” That is very good but if you do not know how to use those tools in the toolbox then they are worthless it can be dangerous. I want to create a BOD that knows how to use the various tools as each person can have a specialty tool than can be beneficial to progress

Coup- A group that want to overthrow a power. If the BOD are treated unfairly than they might gather a coup to overpower the group.