1) Who are the the people you want to impress in a positive way? The first is my parents. They have always supported me during this time so I want to thank them for the help and support. I want to impress future employers to show them I am not the person who came in here in 2008 but a better more energetic and refined person that can be a good asset to an employer.
2) Who should believe you? I think everyone who I have contact with. Once they find out I was a convicted felon they might now believe me and that is fine as I will want to impress them with my actions and my work ethic.
3) What steps will lead you through prison? To strive to be a better person. Try to take steps to learn as much as I can to put me above other who do not make that attempt in this time to learn and be better. Because of my conviction I will have to work harder than others to prove that I have been reformed and to show them I want to be successful. I just want to be able to live a normal life again.