I try to personally make myself different than most individuals in here even though we are living through the same circumstances. Outside these walls I was a year from obtaining my degree and never finished becoming more wrapped up in life after having kids and producing more money for more bills. I consider these excuses now more than ever for not finishing because I want to hold myself to a higher standard. I don’t want to press my kids to go to college to get a degree or be successful if I am not doing it myself or being an example through effort and action of what I ask of them. If you apply yourself anything can be done. If you truly apply yourself and put in the work! Some things come easier to some than others, but as humans with brains that have the ability to learn and process the only limits are the ones we set on ourselves. Therefore I have been trying to obtain my degree while incarcerated at Lompoc while I have the time.
It has not gone well since the programs offered are limited or non-existent, but I am still striving to better myself knocking out multiple books a week pertaining to things that apply to my sources of income or business plans. I still have not given up on correspondence courses it is just an issue of who will work with THIS facility. Along with studying I still take in a couple pages a day from larger works that are philosophical or inspirational to help stay motivated knowing that it is hard to keep a strong mentality and desire while behind these walls. As I develop my plans and take the steps to accomplish my goals things just seem to keep coming together in more detail. I don’t like to set limits on what I want to obtain, cause word have power, but within the first 5 years outside incarceration, I will be on way to acquiring millions in assets. Within the 5 years after that I plan to convert those assets into millions in cash while still allowing the vehicle that I am developing to continue growing more assets for me to leave to my children. I’m not reinventing the wheel I am just going to apply it in a different way than others that I’m comfortable with and that I think will be an improvement to an old system. I’m just trying to refine a process that entrepreneurs already use so I know what I am planning is achievable. With the spirit to provide a service to the community and good intentions with my actions I hope to return to society being an asset and earning the respect of others showing anything is possible as long as you don’t live in your past mistakes. Learn from them, look forward, and grow. Hopefully, somebody else will look back on what I’ve done one day and it will inspire them to recover from whatever hardships or problems they had to navigate through.
READ NEWSLETTER ARTICLE HERE: https://prisonprofessors.com/journal-entries/michael-angelo-and-goals/