Journal Entry: Lynnette Marie Jacobs-08/17/2023

Journal Entry

Things I would like to see change around Bryan TX

Bryan Federal prison camps Unit team is defiantly non-existent right now, we have a new warden who is defiantly making small changes for the better but I don’t understand why the unit team does not want to process the girls to go home, it is there time to leave and its almost like the unit staff takes it personally. It seems that they don’t want to work at all on something that could take 15 min to finish correctly and knock out the way, ends up taking months, and ends up being submitted incorrectly and has to be restarted. The region sent another employee to process halfway house paperwork and the guy did more work than I have seen the whole time I have been here in one day.
I need to submit a relocation and there’s no unit team to speak to in weeks for others it’s been months.

If I could recommend one thing it would be to have the unit team want to help us and actually care about our release plans.

A change within the unit I would like to happen because there’s none at the moment or since I have been here.
Release plan planning and classes to prepare you to reenter the community.