So I have been working a civil case against the county I was detained in and I filed a Bievens claim challanging the constitutionality of the conditions subjected to in Macon county – Illinois.
I just have to say the PLRA that Bill Clinton signed is NOT for the people who are incarcerated and acutally makes it so much harder to bring fourth claims.
In the PLRA it makes it so much harder to bring fourth a conspiracy to conceal assults on inmates and conspiracy to conceal inhumane conditions – assults and treatment/conditions the whole facility is aware of /events yet when filing .. courts want to claim each INSTANCE is a case that needs filed on its OWN- YET the PLRA makes it so you can only have three strikes when it comes to cases. SO here’s to say they find no merit in a case you belived has the merit for prosecution yet they don’t believe what you EXPERIENCED as cruel and unusual punishmnet… three cases of THAT they strike and dismiss all of those claims. This then closes your rights off to file ANY other civil claims in Federal court.
since “im just an inmate” and it takes people with “real brains” to address issues like these… someone should advocate for the terms of the PLRA to be combed through the benefit the petitioner… as nobody is even entited to counsel for these civil cases.
AND not to mention there are so many more adults in custody without educations than you would believe .. So I truly believe more support should be available to hold more of these government institutions accountable.
Thanks for reading!