Lerin Hughes
Its hard to trust this facility or believe they are enough to not lie to the public so heres the truth ;
5-6-24 I filed my 9 reguading the following;
“I’m seeking a compassionate release in reguards to the overcrowding as refgerenced in the formal Bp-8. The lack of staff and overcrowsing with staff working 16 plus hours not diligent to handle life threatening crisis’ properly, I don’t feel safe. With the overcrowding the bed I recieved was/is in a room under a pipe which was sighted as a saftey hazard in the office of inspector general’s last report. If no extra space was added to maximize inmate capacity in reguards to expanding the facility quarters, the I’m unsure how more inmate could be added? Or how this many inmate to correctional officers is safe. If you house inmates in areas sighted for saftey hazards thats not providing a safe envrioment.
I did the math on another Bp-8 in reference to the number of inmates that were over the number of inmates supposed to be here in reference to staff. The number was no corrosponding.
FCI Waseca lied and said it was within the right to have that many inmates. The Dublin lawyers who came thought otherwise and made them take apart the beds that were added and reduce the inmate population. FCI Waseca needs an ombudsman to ensure the policies in the FBOP or the inmates concerns are addressed.