Lerin Hughes
So Mr Santos sends out alot of information on crypto my feelings and questions are the following in regurards to this;
My Question is with President Trump) writing “we want you to be rich” and with everything costing money that yoou need in order to survive. What’s next?
Pg 55 Robert T. Kiyosaki writes;
“The bigger and more complex the finicial problems become the higher the finicial IQ is required to handle the problems. We’re going to need ALL the brain power we have to solve the prblems”
Pg 52 Donald Trump states facts;
“India was the richest country on Earth until the 12th century when the Brittish Invaded.
India invested the number system. Albert Einstein said ; We own alot to eh Indians who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made
Algebra, trigonomentry and calculus originated in India
The value of “pi” was first calculated by mathmatician Budhayana and he explained the concept of what is known as the pythagorean theorem. He discovered it in the 6th centry. Which was long before the European mathmaticians.”
For the reader(s) .60 seconds is .05 cents to write at the 12 cents I’m paid in the FBOP by my own tax money I am paid back by the FBOP to teach you today. Do the math at how much is costs me to educate you.. thats what is stressed in Why we want you to be rich and it all begins with the basics of understanding and well maybe a little math!
Pg 45 Trump said “we want you to fish for yourself”
Robert then on pg 45 states ” We cannot solve todays finicial challanges with yesterdays finicial intelligene”
Yesterday I worked into today to prepare this for the reader..
Pg 60 states;
Robert T. Tigojaki ;
“the finicial problems we ALL face are now bigger than the U.S Governmnet alone can handle. However, the problems have not been solved are now becoming global problems, beyond the borders of our own country and beyond the control pf political leaders”
Who also quotes Warren Buffect
“wall street is the only place that people ride in a Roll Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.”
The issue is the genreal punblic doesnt even know the simple formila to calculate their salary/hourly or confidence to state thats what is needed for their bills despite truly needing that after taxes or “before”. Let alone know this to target a savings. They also dont know how to price for their targeted audience based on a tiered slaray system every American private or publicly working is locked into.
Pg 35 Robert states;
“We are trying to solve a problem with government money instead of solving the real problem”
Pg 36 Trumps section “What we are concerned about”
We find Trump referencing Einstein and instanity in reference to not teaching children about money. Which is sad but with ALL of THIS knowledge even the most educated adults are clueless… on a rabbit hole trying to find a loop hole.
Pg 67
Robert Interprets Mr BUffets quote ;
“if calculus were required, I’d habe to go back to delivering papers. I’ve nevr seen any need for algebra” to..
beleving Warrens means taht : getting rich is common sense and only requiring sinmple math”
Currently I have an aforementioned accountant with a masters in accounting and myself available with my calculator if this is true to solve poverty..
I believe the education of money and history combined would benftis everyone if the full cirriculum was to be purposed to our children.. The ones who are making sense of their parents generations and their parents generations of failures to address this issue or let it turn sour. If Simple math is all it take to solve global poverty I am up for the task to do this. If Elizabeth Packard could change legislation I have faith the American people can too.
The generational wealth this generation is knowledge. Use your FREEDOM with no abandon to take advanatage of your education and APPLY it.
Take care America .. I need to save my money and that includes my breath here!