Journal Entry: Lerin E Hughes-12/10/2024-Journal Entry #5

Journal Entry

Lerin Hughes

grievance # 4021 date 10/29/24

” I am writing a sensitive 10 following up a grievance #4016 turned in 10/29/24 regurading the issue(s) due to the retaltiation of staff and how they are treating me different than other in regaurtds to my RRC/halfway paeprwork. I have message A/B/E unit team; C/D unit team, the warden and associate warden about these issues – as well as speaking to them directly about hese matters reguarding my delayed halfway house paperworl. Mrs Kopischke and Ms Gerlach advised me to follow through with my administrative remedies to get an “offical resopose” (mind reader this is another co-worker -unit team and social worker).. My complaint is that even after regional director Andre Matevousian asked in front of the warden why my halfway house paperwork has not been done; im still waiting for a response as to why. In July I was given 15 days for FSA (MIND READER I DIDNT EVEN GET MY FULL YEAR AND SHOULD OF HAS 6 MONTHS OFF FROM 3.31.25) for being a minium for two consecutive teams and mind reader I did not get my FSA from sentencing. This in the BOP “caluculator” mvoed my FSA date to 3/31/24. I was reccommended for 120/150 days in a halfway hosue from 3/31/24 which is / would of been November 1st to December 1st (not including the extra FSA I SHOULD have).. Ms kozilock is doing everyone elses paperwork and based on FSA conditional date so I’m curious why I only get the following;
“In July on the 18th I was told I would be teamed every three months. Its been over three months and I’m not being teamed again until January Per Mr Wunderlich. at the end of August Ms Koziolek told me my paperwork would be started to properly apply SCA LAW U.S.C ^ 3621(b)(2) and (3) and 18 U.S.C assuring me she does this correctly and on time. However she did not start my paperwork liek she assured, nor after I saw her at the end of september (the beggining) she told me “sonn” which is what mr Parrent told me too. Thats yet to happen. last week On my way to family court I asked what I can expect to tell teh courts, Angrily she replied”this week” .. twith mr parrent (her boss our unit manager present) that never happened. A t mainline 10/21/24 who claimed he signed off on my paperwork when I inquired what to tell my inquring lawyers. Today 10/24/24 I followed up with his statement/claim asking how he signed the paperwork if I havent. Where he told me he “must have mistaken me with someone else”. I told him “Hughes, Lerin”, He said “I know, It will get done in a week or two”. Im filing this because I told Mr Matervousian when asked why I felt my paperwork wasnt getting filed was out of retaliation for filing grievances. Where he told me to “quit digging yourself deeper” in a very threatening manner pointing at my grievance stack (mind reader real issues us women need resolved but need the FBOP to address first and not by a regional director threating us and telling us (me) to do my homework on Bievens claims – mind you this is not my first Bievens and I know the proceedings and I tried with him to have a face to face to speak about the issues before they arise in court). His threat made me cry then claimed I need “psych help and medication”. (which nobody else with a degree feels I need LOL) .. Staff here refuse to tell me why its not getting done and without this getting done (my halfway) I’m denied getting sufficent duration in a halfway house to provide the greated likelihood of successful reintegration into the commmunity determined on my indivudial basis considering I’m homeless. Also concerned that I’m being told the facility can keep me until the statutory release date 10-122-25 despite FSA and the credits I’ve earned mand the date after applied Federal time credits and good time being 3/31/25 (In their computer). If this issue is not properly addressed I will be forced to file a 2241 ( Petition for a writ of habeas corpus under 28 U.S.C 2241.

WHICH mind the reader I CANT which I need to for my extra 6 months off I DESERVE for FSA- due to having a 2255 in court on appeal for this case to begin with. Which shout of the my amazing lawyers for the dedicated support and work they’ve had on my case and being there to give the support I need leaving the FBOP because I GOT ONE MONTHS IN A HALFWAY HOUSE TO GET MY LIFE TOGETHER TO MEET MY SUPERVISED RELEASE. WHICH THE SECOND CHANCE ACT WAS MADE TO HELP PEOPLE WITH TIME IN A HALFWAY TO HELP THEM GET ON THE PATH OF MEETING THEIR SUPERVISED RELEASE. THANKS TO THE PEOPLE RETALIATING AGAINST ME FOR GRIEVING ISSUES THAT NEED ADDRESSED FOR THE WOMEN HERE AND NEVER LEAVING OR GOING.

my halway house paperwork got put in the next day after I grieved. Its on the wardens desk whom I guess has left Waseca along with several staff named and the reponse I am guessing will be “your halfway has been sumbitted” yet the issue is the case manager whom tells us “your freedom is in my hands” instead of following Second chance act law like the other unit case managers and unit managers do over in D.. the case manager who told me to write mine up. But who will hold this person accountable? I hope Washington or Regional but we see how Regional does not even try to let it get past them by rejecting 10’s for us not being able to afford the process or the MAILING process!

SEVERAL women sit here past FSA dates and several women get no time in a halfway house here in WASECA because of abuse of power. This was not a case of “no halfway house space” or a “halfway house closed down” the DATE shows I was LIED TO FOR MONTHS trusting her to do the wrong thing while watching her and my unit manager do the wrong. The next grievance I will post will be the international Law being grieved and broke in reguards to the CAT treaty despite the wording of the PLRA.