Hello there it’s Lerin Hughes
This grievance was REJECTED
#2912 7-9-24
” We are given sugars, packaged cookies that our tax dollars pay for. Yes even in custody, tax dollars our families and all the staff each and everyone of you for as well. Staff are constantly taking these items from individuals who technically paid/pay for these items themseelves just for them to be thrown away. Considering the price of fruit and world hungar ; and that food being taken to be eaten at a later time , not when forced to gorge all at once, I think staff should truly let all said above sink in and understand the excessive pat searches being done on people who habe been sexually assulted by officers in the BOP is BEYOND traumatizing. So is even teh thought of an unescessay strip seach for a simple UA. Why is the body scanner not enough and we must be degraded when forced to show our naked bodies and our genitals? Its uncomfrtable for me to even write the reality of the weird “direct orders” being given here in FCI Waseca in reguards to this matter. If I’m uncomfortable, you should be too. All of this is occuring while the MAT program gives synthetic heroin out in medical. My 8th Amendment protects me from cruel and unusual punishment and any rational, sane human would clearly see beyond a doubt this is strange process(s)’ going on here in Waseca is cruel and unsual. Especially for sexual assult survivors like myself. Officers seeing us undressed is a PREA so to have a direct order to get undressed when theres a body scanner is werid.”
Now this issue the Regional actually be accepted despite my unit manager neglecting to even respond to. The warden claims the grievance process IS affordable because we should have to finically plan for the stamps to cover our girevance process because our tax dollars dont already for their negligence in the work force!
Grievance # 3049
“I nor other inmates can afford the grievance process to meet the grievance process deadlines in order to complete the grievance rocess. This in return results in rejected and denied grievances and leaves inmates unable to grieve the issue again in the institution or the the higher levels of this institution. this process needs to be accessible and affordable to allow inmates their First Amendment right to grieve the government/ government facilites/functions. Without inmates having access to the full process due to the finicial means to the full process inmates are being denied the abiity to show the courts the inmate tried to address the matter to the fullest extent before and if the inmate chose to file a Bievens claim on said issue(s).
I was told since I had a dollar fifty eight in my account I “was not indigent” yet I did not even have enough money at that time to even send off the Bp-10 and B9-11 to the correct places… On a d e a d l i n e from the warden!!!