Lerin Hughes
Inmate #27734510
You would think I’d be embarassed to be an inmate..but what’s embarassing is being a provider who fails to provide. Let’s read the “care” you get at Waseca and how the fiduciary relationship working with a client is no longer valued.
Grievance # 2879
” I have been asking Dr Ramler for over 4 months-5 months for my psych medical records. I needed them for family court months ago. He said he has to ” Ask Dr Reyna”. Still I havent recieved them, nor will Dr Reyna appoint a new psychologist. The warden was messsaged about all of thius 6/20/24. I need these records now bnecauyse I’m unsure if he’s properly been or treated me and I need to review them and send them off in reguards to a facitious by-proxy case #3:24-CV-03144-CSB. Once again Dr Ramler was messaged in these reguards 6/18/24 @ 10:44:56. I requested these records after my message at 4:38:33 Am on 1/30/24 after I believed Dr Ramler has/was committing malpractice and requested a new psychologist who could properly work with me stating his words/wrong opinion is harmful.”
The lovely warden.. a “psychologist” whom let the Regional Director abuse me psychologically told me This “diagnosis was never mentioned in reference to the facitious by-proxy” but it was in Ramler’s notes the warden just breezed over and told me that just because I disagree with these opinions its not malpractice telling me I just want a provider who will “document as I please for child custody and early release purposes. Your requwt for a new provider has been considered and denied by psychology services, as the prupose of treatment is not based upon recieving favorable documentation for legal pursuits”.
Honestly I just want a provider who can understand the PTSD/CPTSD of the facitious by-proxy I suffer from.
Next on 7/17/24 Grievance # 2939 states;
“Today 7/17-24 I had a breakdown in psychology due to the malpractice I’ve been subjected to via Dr Reyna, Dr Ramler and Mr Wunderlich. I finally got my records to review because I suspected malpractice and to review to ensure malpractice wasnt being committed as I send these records off to my judge in family court in the state of Illinois. So this is a follow ip to my Bp-8 #2879 AND 9 I told Reyna this will be send to the Dbulin lawyers I work with and my criminal appeal lawyers because I obviously can;t get real support for my trauma I’ve ensured from the munchausen by proxy I;ve been subjected to that providers here are now partaking in. I can’t deal with this abuse. I’ve asked reyna to appoint outside psychatric care for me since she’s unable to see the abuse shes now partaking in. She didn’t want to give me my medical records for fear of harm. Hard committed emotionally and mentally when telling her “tehse records with all of your wrong opinions hurt my chances of going home and getting my kids”. Only to end in her response “thats probably so” I was then threatend with the SHU for voicing outloud at my job in psych that “This is why i work with the Dublin lawyers because I can’t get any fucking help here in Waseca. Seeking support/help I went to Dr Turner who Reyna called and threatned to send me back to the SHU if I didn’t go back and talk about the records and let her abuse me futher, or go back to my unit. Once again all while I was seeking beneficial, helpoful support for this abuse to be accused of “staff splitting”. I was enocuraged to reach out to the Dublin lawyers by another inmate who works with them whom would/will testify to this abuse and distress along with my mom NP Jennifer Scales. Dr Turner said he did not agree with whats going on nor is it right normal or correct practice to work against and har, a patient.. Make them cry or cause emotional distress and encouraged me to follow through with my administrative remedies. I told him I’m filing a lawsuit as I told Reyna I am doing who states ” will will support Ramler” even if wrong when the lawyers ask because ” we won’t and ber will agree with you” while refusing to appoint me adequate care saying “if you deny us I’ll put you in refusal” despite me being uncomfotable. They can’t properly work with me because they won’t. Adequate medical/mental helath care is my Constitutional right yet this facility and providers here have failed to provide this for me. Reyna accused me of “Not being able to work with doctors and lawyers” wehre I told her ” I don’t work with ones who can’t do their jobs right”. This feels like retaliation as even NP Jennifer Scales stated via phone call 7/17/24 for speaking out against BOPO administrators and staff especially when she told me “every department talks about you”
on 8-5-24 Grievance # 2971
” There is not 24 hour mental health services available here in FCi Waseca. trained, licensed, professionals. Futhermore I am not able to get proper treatment for the trauma of being a victim of facitious by proxy as noted and charted om 1/24/24 @ 10:30 by Ramler T PHD. I would like this department to be found negligent in their means of providing care due to a professionals importer or immoral conduct in the oerformance of his or her duties, done either intentionally or through carelessness or ignorance; commonly applied to physicians, surgeons, dentists, lawyers and public officers to denote negligent of unskillful performance of duties where professional skills are obligatiory on account of the fiduciary relationship with the patients or clients. I have been denied a new provider. I would like an investigation into why I’m being denied a new provbier and an explanation – more than just “because psychology is denying this request” as to why I’m being denied a new provider. A provider who can meet my mental health need and that I’m comfortable working with. Ms Koziolek told me to write this report during my last team due to the following in rguards to the alledged care and or inadquate care. Every other Monday at 1:00 Pm I’m in Mr Linnes office crying about the abuse, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, bullying, lack of professionalisn abd inadquate care from providers I’ve been forced “care” under to my criminal appeal lawyers Daniel Coubourn and Kyle Kysela. Remind you malpractice is a criminal offense. crying as i was yesterday 8/8/24 due to the aformentioned above social worker Ms Gelach, who agreed these providers are not providing the care I ened an obviously and deliberately working against myself, Ms Gerlach and every other work who has helped me in reguards to getting my kids back. Workers who offer and have given proper mental health support, have gotten and get me into classes needed, teach/taught them, get me on the phone with my lawyers. I would not pay for the work/abuse of any provider or allow one to bully me. So I believe an investigation into why forcing me to be subjected to inadequate care is happening because its cruel and unusual. Ms Gerlach Told me to just talk to her if needed because “she nearly hs the same degree”. However the ones with the degree in psychology even as “the chief” has already caused unspeakable damage due to the incompentence, carelessness, ignorance, improper and immoral conduct. There is no fiduciary relationship, because I have zero trust in these providers. How could I?
This is who the Regional director “reffered me to” after I cried upset because he failed to actually read any of these grievances nor hold any of his staff here in Waseca accountable and provide the proper mental health support I’m seeking.