Journal Entry: Lerin E Hughes-01/14/2025-Debunked

Journal Entry

On the outside I personally voiced my theories on how Epstein was killed and ruled out the suicide.

I’ve spoken to the social worker who used to work here about this and for some reason its on my mind and heart to post about this and speak on this matter.

Probably because I have personal experience with suicide watch in Custody.

The social workers theory and I agree with was that the guards were paid off the look like they were “just slacking” on the rounds.. however it goes deeper.

When someone is put on suicide watch the guards take everything. I know because I was personally assulted by 5 guards who stripped me naked and put me on suicide watch to go in the “turtle suit”.

The guards would of taken the sheet he was hung with before or after it happened because you couldnt even have it to begin with. The smock itself is your blanket, pillow and mat. You don’t even get anything to eat with or a cup to drink from and no panties even.

So the guards set it up by giving the sheet or anything other than what you cannot have for suicide watch and should be held accountable for the homicide because it was more than a “missed round”. If people go to jail for drug induced homicides for an individual dying for using a substance they bought willingly and knowingly the same should be for these guards who knowinly and willingly gave the sheet “that hung itself”.

The social worker belived “people” paid off these workers to be essentially just be fired and to go take off with the millions they were paid off and would of never made in their career as a Correctional officer.

Anyways it is scary to live in a system like this. If you have no outside people or way to reach them it is scary the people I’ve had on the outside such as my family have been the only ones who advocated to get care I needed unless I refused lock up to make a paper trial of the neglect and abuse I endured.

Last week I was told that 5 correctional offiers killed a handcuffed inmate. Thats the system I’m so happy to leave but I speak out to bring attention to because the public doesnt know the truth of the functioning until you ask real inmates the ones who are truly about brining as much harmony among the compounds not just the ones seeking lawsuits.

However its small things that people don’t even truly see that inmates go through.. when I first was arragined I was lying in between someone withdrawling from heroin with no narcan and another who was denied her inhaler for 3 days . We had to call 911 from the inside of the jail by using outside family to call. We were denied toilet paper for 6 hours and then degraded and yelled at for having to have our family calling to tell the staff to bring it to us. There are women who have been in facilities during covid subjected to the water cut off and unable to flush toilets and forced to sit in cells with 24 hours worth of waste in a cell.

I listened to Pete Heageseth today getting questioned by the senate how he wrote in his book that we cannot fight like men sitting at mahogoney desks anymore but like real men … Made me think is me sitting here like a “real man”.. my question is what would you fight like a “real man”?

When I had all my defenses nullified I looked at the judge and told her I would sit here all day everyday over my kids. My dad told me he would too growing up. Its funny how literal we take things as kids.. hearing things our parents say. Its just weird I was taught to shoot for the means of protecting myself and kids and its just crazy how my military father told me to protect this right .. a right I no longer have.. because of this. How do you fight like a man when men don’t even care