Journal Entry: Lerin E Hughes-01/12/2025-Shady Lawfare

Journal Entry

Currently I’m reading the Laws of human nature by Robert Greene;

So In the first Paragraph you’ll read that “thoughout the course of our lives, we Inevitable heave to deal with a variety of individuals who stir up trouble and make our lives difficult and unpleasant. Some of these individuals are leaders or bosses, some are colleagues, and some are friends. They can be aggressive or passive aggressive, but they are generally masters at playing on our emotions. They often appear charming and refreshingly confident, brimming with ideas and enthusiam, we fall under their spell. Only when its too late do we discover that their comfidence is irrational and their ideas are ill-concieved. Among collagues, they may be those who can sabotage our owrk or careers out of secret envy, excited to bring us down. Or they could be collagues or hires who reveal, to our dismay, that they are completely out for themselves, usuing us as stepping stones”.

This is exactly how I feel right now.

In 432 when Sparta presented new terms of peace with the Athenian government Perciles addressed the assembly. People respected him bnecause his values consisted of The greater good of athens and unify of the citizens.

One powerful tatic he used in making decisions with his people was imagining all the possible consequences of a strategy before committing to it.

Futher stating “Rationaility is then what you will value the most and that which will serve as your guide”.

I just feel like I was failed by my counsel for not considering the thing I value the most is my freedom. Not my freedom years from now after a re-sentencing that could of harmed me after they failed to consider and to discuss the factors of the satue for resentencing. 3742(a)(1)(2)(3)(4)(G) AND 3553(18 u.s.c 3535)(2)(a)(B)(C) .. And consider I was ALREADY made as an “example”..

I couldnt even blame anyone else for blindly following advice.. Thats why I believe we should all learn independent thinking and make our decisions for ourselves. I also believe those who do not properly educate those who cannot grasp what is being taught and are responsible for making the best decision for those that their responsible for making the best decision for should be held accountable.

The teacher here at Waseca read my motion to dismiss my appeal, he told me to send it off and to also continue my education.

What I value most is the certain promise that I told my children I’m coming home.

If I didn’t study the law for the last two years there are alot of situtions with lawyers who were trying to throw me behind bars longer than I already am. Never forget this.. You can’t trust every lawyer, at the end of the day they’re the law too and most become judges prosecutors or even vice presidents aprising to be presidents. Don’t be a stepping stone, also don’t be like the bogus paralegal ( cought keith) who took the wifes 5k saying you would get her husband out of jail knowing an 821 wouldnt apply to him.

I’m not mad at these lawyers .. I appreciate the super optism but I need realistic certainty like I told you..

#prisonprofessor #36daystillfreedom #powerhungry