It’s a funny thing.. but for me resentencing doesnt feel like something I can put much trust into.
I have literally done everything for my service plan to get my kids back, without them being able to actually prove taking them for neglect and abuse.
The investigator who took my kids is a criminal herself. Yet I’m the criminal who lost my kids because of being in prison for having no way out using the only ;ast resort self defense method to get these people who took my kids, the courts, the police to leave me alone after stalking and harassing me for being a mom resulting in now a felony.
I don’t think the courts will ever care to hear my side or care. Thats why I won’t go back into court. Every case I file the courts defend the other side religiously. Even with their best lawyers and the best money can buy. The vendetta the courts have against me is not worth ever taking a flight on con-air in shackles when I can board next month and never look back.
I literally emotionally can’t keep fighting due to the distress and the cyberstalking charge is for ANYONE who causes emotional distress .. can be charged for this criminally.. unless youre the government and or a government worker causing it.
The courts will never look at the true bedrock of my cases.
Slept on the concete floor while pregnant .. youre in jail..
fed bad rancid food.. youre in jail..
dental infections for a year .. making you go crazy.. youre in jail ..
No mental health help .. youre in jail..
Sexually assulted by Co’s ripping off your clothes.. youre in jail..
thrown into a cell that has a homeade sign “do not pet” .. youre in jail..
no money for shampoo or deo.. youre in jail we’re doing a shake down because someone smell while laughing..
UA.. strip search.. we give suboxyen .. show your vagina and butthole.. youre in jail..
you did all you need to get your kids .. well youre in jail..
you better our system while we make everything criminal activty overwhelm our staff and put you at risk due to over population and understaffing.. youre in jail..
you make 12 cents and have three kids who need a mom providing.. you suck but you keep everything functioning..
Like I cannot deal with this anymore.. chancing this..
I pray I get a good probation officer who see’s I’m humbly asking for their help because I want to get on my feet and become independent again and I do not want to be on their caseload any longer than needed nor do I want to come back to jail..
I read in the Slave species of of the Gods by Michael tellinger that we have a repressed violent gene and greed gene and I believe its true. Our species have been at world wars, physcial wars, emotional wars, economic wars.. the only way is to reprogram this gene. However I believe that those who do not address this gene will trigger others around them and their violent and greed genes.
I believe that the programming such as;
Emotional self regulation
anger management
trauma in life
and criminal thinking programming from Waseca should be taught to every human being.
I cannot have the superoptism take control of my thinking when deciding to fight this case any longer because the cons outweigh the pros for me if I win.. being my freedom. When you win a case partially it is dangerous.. when you win at all in the appeals court.. if i had these lawyers to win in the inital proceedings then it would of been a different case.. however I know I was blessed to get the time I was given.
If a conviction or the facts support another charge and I have done my time for this charge and I do not want to use criminal thinking to make the decision to mollify the course of my conduct to keep fighting when the conviction has been affirmed and I can just move on and truly heal myself.
I am thankful for this experience.. the people i’ve met and the knowledge I’ve gained. I just want to be a transparent paralegal with people when working with and for them because at the end of the day word of mouth and knowing your way around the courts is the key to working with the courts and getting favorable results with them and your client.
I’m not mad at the courts I just wish they werent so predjuice towards me. I feel I have alot of valuable imput on the functioning to make the sytem more fair to all. I believe if a judge were me or in my position or finds themself there ever they would probably shake my hand and say thank you.
When I Got to Waseca I was told you get more bee’s with honey when I asked how the staff is here and I’ve seen that to be true. However they do have pretty sane people working here.. I truly think its a Minnesota thing. I’m actually so sad to go back to Illinois. ):