Also I must inform readers..
Being compelled against myself to even defend myself, incriminiating myself in this case, also would of been a 2 point enhancement in points and It would of raised my sentencing points thus resulting in a longer sentence.
All I’m saying is in all the Nazi Germany books everyone who didn’t fight for themselves ended up in concentration camps or their kids did. Behind barbed wired fences.. I truly still don’t know how I was to properly act when my kids were taken when no negligence or abuse was ever even found because I’ve never neglected or abused my kids.
But whats crazy is I actually got the services I needed to complete the Service plan in prison .. unlike when my caseworkers never worked with me to help complete the plan. The social worker here is frustrated because i’ve fought like hell for my kids and the courts want to terminate my rights because.. I’ve been in prison.. where I had one of my kids.. after the feds evaded trial.