Journal Entry: Lee Adams-10/04/2024-Be the Change You Want to See

Journal Entry

How am i serving my community? well for about 9 yrs of the last 13years my higher power {witch i call god} sent a angel into my life at a very dark time and was in shu’s and seg and smu for 57months, and this angel i will call her ms.annie brought god and love and care with her to show me there is hope and a way, so since then i support her and not there but emails letters and phone i here to listen and support her and just be a real true friend that cares and I’m looking very fwd. to my release to start my new life in a new state {Texas} with a Christian family that has open there door for myself I’m very thankful and i want to help others in anyway i can and that goes for prison professors also i want to be apart of the great work your doing, I’m 60 years old and very bless still and you have permission to post this if want I’m going to share my story eventually but at this time i just want to share and give back to all,.love and real respect to everyone your brother always lee. adams {L.A.} #55372018