Journal Entry: Laurie Ann Maxey-08/09/2024-Resilience!

Journal Entry

Yesterday’s journal question was about emotional resilience but today I’d like to share with you about my physical resilience! Today is the 17th day of being sick with Covid and I am finally feeling like I’m in the curve. I’m on the mend and let me just say, it has been a long row to how. Some days have really been touch and go. Last year, I decided not to take the covid booster because I had heard some horror stories about side effects. I have now changed my mind. I will be the first in line to take a booster shot this year because nothing can be worse than what I have just went through. And it has taken so much physical resilience to do it in an environment that is not conducive to recovery. (and I actually mean that in more than one way. Drugs everywhere…not conducive to recovery. But alas, I have overcame and am stronger because of it. Sickness everywhere…but I made it through. I am not sure if I’m stronger because of it but I am definitely grateful and appreciate my health even more, so I’m better in many ways!) I have had to get up to put on a uniform, even when I should have been in bed. I have gotten up to be counted even when I could barely stand on my own two feet. I stood in a shower because there’s no such thing as a bath. I had to come out of my room because this environment said I had to go to a class even when every professional medical person in the world would have said, stay in bed and away from people. It’s been a long two and a half weeks and I’m so grateful that I was strong enough to make it through this!