It’s Sunday so like all Sundays I call my little man “KJ”,I try and talk to him more throughout the week,But i don’t miss sundays. My son brings a special kind of love into my world and he always uplift me, I cant wait to be back home to my mini me so we can continue to develop the bond we started his first 3 and a half years of life. Now double that age, he is really shaping out to be a very intelligent young man and his brightness reminds me of my own,I crave at the opportunity to nurture him with my love and influence and know he will always be my first task. My son will know the wonders of this world and know the power of principles of integrity and have knowledge of life’s greatest jewels like Justice, Freedom and Equality. I daily exercise my greatest intelligence to manifest greatness in all i do and i just hope that my hardwork would reflect to my son,My quest for wealth and the elevating of mind, body also spirit keeps me divinely guided. As of lately Prison Professors have been sending me info on the digital economy with cryptocurrency and other forms of revenue. I believe its a sign because I’ve already been reading things about cryptocurrency and also corporate credit and have been studying them both for over a year now,I truly feel its a proven very lucrative strategy to grow economically legally and I’m gonna put a great deal of time and effort into taking those necessary steps to having financial freedom for myself and family.Discipline will be the deciding factor in achieving my goals and if i can be that, while here and have been gradually moving upward with my Business prior to my incarceration i know i can do it upon my release. Creating generational wealth is and has been my primary focus instilling my mark was here, one of great intelligence,My son will be the beneficiary of my success and will continue the legacy of experiencing a full life of duty and purpose.