Its been a minute since i journaled I’ve been distracted from my writing, as several things contributed to me not being focused on my daily writings, one being the holidays. The holidays inside prison is the worst time of the year as i tend to get a little down knowing this time is usually reserved for family and me not being with my family for almost four years weighs heavy on my mind, knowing I’m not physically in there lives. My son birthday was yesterday,Kj turned 7 years old, this is the forth birthday i missed being locked up and that more than anything brings me down,because i miss him more than anything! My day started off a little down knowing i wasn’t there with him but to my surprise he actually made me feel better from his excitement of his bday that i had no choice but to have my spirits lifted,i called several times each time wishing and singing him happy bday and he loved it just as i did! I told myself last night before bed, now i can get back to writing my journal and documenting my progress now that these pivotal moments where behind me.Lastly the final thing that’s been weighing heavy on my mind is my outdate and when imma actually be coming home. My projected release date is June 19th 2025, but my case manager submitted me to go home January 31st in just over 2 weeks on tether, My tether (home confinement) was approved but the Detroit halfway house who oversees the tether responded saying they didn’t have any bed space to allow me to come home stating there has to be a bed available at the halfway house in order to let me be home on tether and came back with a date of May. May is 3 and a half months later from the date on my paper of January 31st!This news surely brought me down, i cant for the life of me see how its time for me to come home but there claiming Detroit doesn’t have any space available, I’ve done all my requirements program wise even doing many more volunteer classes and served my time. You allowed to get out months before your actual projected release date (mines is June 19,2025) to get time either in the halfway house or home confinement to get acclimated back into society and even the president signed the Second Chance Act to allow incarcerated individuals even more time up to 18 months to get out to get reintroduced to the society, but I’m not getting any of that time out because the city of Detroit halfway house is too full the date of May i would only be released 1 month before my final projected date which is unfair because other people is going home 18 months early and its crazy because the Law says I’m supposed to be out! This too brought not only me down but my family as well especially my parents who have been waiting on my arrival. But that’s the reality of being locked up nothing happens as it should ,i guess that’s why they say the BOP stands for Backwards On Purpose!The reality of my date to be released i just have to come to terms with it and make the best out of staying an extra few months if that’s Gods will, so starting today I’m back to regular program with my exercising, writing, finishing my manuscript for my next book, and I’m still going strong with my dieting. What don’t kill only make you stronger and this whole process of being locked up only conditioned me to become more dissatisfied with being locked up therefore its the build up for the changes I’m making in my life,(it takes dissatisfaction to bring about a change). My days in federal prison is very short and I’m definitely gonna make them count while I’m here and once i am released, i will do so much good ,thinking of all the bad experiences that I’ve overcame.