Today was a busy day. I woke up at 6:00 but stayed in bed until about 6:30AM. I got ready to go to the pantry to drive the truck today to pick up food from 4 different grocery stores. I go to the pantry around 7:15, Julio was there early as usual, and opened the door for me. Roberto was a little late and arrived at around 7:25. He said that we’d met before, but I don’t remember meeting him. We headed out without any gas in the truck or generator. I stopped at the gas station on Spring Hill and Linden Dr.
We picked up at three of the 4 different stores, 2 Winn Dixi and one Publix and brought the items back to the pantry where there were several women who volunteered to help put stuff away in the freezers and refrigerators. I drove to the final Winn Dixie store in Brooksville to pick up more food and delivered it to the pantry along with Roberto
I then headed back home after getting some supplies from the pantry. My wife needed a box to put her desktop computer into to send back to California. They sent her a new laptop and monitor and we needed to return the old desktop. We wound up using the box that the laptop and monitor came in and packed it as best we could. I had a dentist appointment at noon (or so I thought) and headed there with the truck because I wanted to use as much gas so that the gas wouldn’t be sitting in the truck getting old while I was away on my term.
I got to the dentist office and the receptionist was surprised to see me for some reason. On Monday I called and stated that my two molars were experiencing some sensitivity and I needed to possibly get a root canal. The receptionist stated that I needed to make another appointment because the root canal would take upwards of two hours. Additionally she stated that they needed to wait another week before they could put the permanent caps on the teeth. I made the appointment and hung up. I called right back because I knew that I couldn’t wait another week to have the teeth capped, so she stated that she would keep the Wednesday 12:00 appointment so that the doctor could take a look at the situation and make a decision as to whether I needed a root canal or I could just get the caps installed without having the procedure. Well, apparently the receptionist canceled my appointment for today and I drove there for nothing. My appointment has been set for Monday the 30th at 7:00 AM. Ihla was not happy, but that’s nothing new. It’s always my fault…
My brother-in-law removed some really nice scants from his new house and installed different ones that my sister-in-law purchased. He offered them to us, so we accepted and he came by and we installed them, replacing our existing ones. These are rather large, but whatever… As long as Ihla likes them, happy wife, happy life.
My brother-in-law helped Ihla with registering with Social Security while he was here. She turns 65 in January and needed to apply for Medicare part A. She still needs to go to the SS office apparently to sign some documents, but Dennis and Remy will help her at some later date.
I tried to get new home owner’s insurance because our existing home owners insurance, Farmers Insurance, no longer does business in FL. I called State Farm insurance, and they will not insure any home < 2006. Our house was built in 1998. They stated that there is a state insurance company that will cover our house, but I’m not familiar with the company at all. Our insurance rates have gone through the roof lately and if costs continue to climb, I may leave the state and head to Tennessee. .
Had to deal with Spectrum again today. My ATM card was compromised so I had to get a new card. Of course there were several things associated with that card number, so I’m getting notifications that bills are not getting paid now. I added Ihla to the Spectrum Account so she can make changes as she sees fit while I’m incarcerated. Next week I’ll be turning in my truck plates, motorhome plates, and my motorcycle plates because they will no longer be used. I’m removing my insurance on these vehicles to save some money, and the state of FL will suspend my license if I don’t turn the plates in. My problem with this is that I’ve paid for the plates for life, and now I have to give them up. It makes no sense at all, but whatever…