Journal Entry: Kayla Vead Lachney-01/22/2024

Journal Entry

9:34 AM

Today is Monday a day closer to me surrendering and a day closer to me heart crashing
because I’m leaving my family and friends behind for 36- Months. Since I woke up and
bought my baby boys to school then drove to my Boutique to give myself some time to
myself and then it hit me tears coming down like reality just hit me, I’m LEAVING in 10
Days tears coming down, asking myself WHY WHY, I can never in my life want another
parent especially a mother to experience this type of pain. So, after the crying the heart
break, I tell myself you’re not dying your coming back and you will be stronger than ever
and know WHY then and ill be able to help others that need because I know what right
and wrong now. I’m going to continue my day as to working in my shop, then go get my
children from school and we will continue our evening as planned.

Kayla Vead Lachney