Good evening.
I have read a numerous amount of books there are some I cannot remember though the ones I can remember are:
- Francine Rivers; Redeeming love,Atonement child,Lineage of grace, A mothers hope, A daughters dream, Sons of encouragement.
- Nic Shafer; We all fall down and Beautiful boy
- Olga Trujillo;The sum of my parts
- Stephen King; Holly
- T M Frazier; The Lawless MC 10 book series
- Sarah Maas; Drake court 6 book series
- John Grisham; Racketeered
- Kristine Hannah; Homebound, sisters
- Colleen Hoover; Hopeless 3 book series, Ends with us 3 book series, Layla, Varity
- Stephen Covey; 7 habits of Highly effective people, 8 habits of highly effective people
- Unknown Authors; Unbreakable,Redeemed Unredeemable
- Jodi Picoult; House Rules,My sisters keeper
- Oswald Chambers; The utmost for his highest daily devotions
- Blackaby;Experiencing God day by day daily devotions
- Daily bread – Daily reflections – Just for today
- 30 Life principle bible study by Charles Stanley
I am going to do more intentional reading from here forward and make book reports so I can share on here.
To answer the rest of the email The tools I have developed to get a better outcome at anytime in my life is to take a pause. I pause before responding or making decisions or saying things unnecessary. The pause has changed my life and has helped me to think more clearly.
The tools I am working on creating now are being assertive and speaking up more.
The ones I anticipate to create in the next year are learning how to publicly speak through the choices program. I would like to learn how to share my mess as a message to others.
I believe these tools will help contribute in the future while in my community and bring awareness of recovery and hope.
The tactics I have designed to help me overcome challenges I may face are to role play with myself in the mirror or with family or friends not afraid to help critic me.
The influence language will have is that I am bilingual in the Spanish language so therefore I can reach more than the Caucasian community.
Transcend; To become something else or to change into something to transform maybe.
I want to transcend into the women I am destined to be.