Journal Entry: Jerrilee Barajas-01/08/2025

Journal Entry

As of right now Im working in the Unicor factory its not too bad actually because I am trying to learn all the operations so I can become lead or trainer. I am quite facinated with how we build a pair of runnig shorts from a peice of material. The way it goes from one station to the next and how we flow as a unit/team to create them. I still work as a mentor in psych part time and on the unit with my peers. I also still work suicide companion on call there are several of us and we take shifts. I am working towards hours for Peer support specialist apprenticship. I am looking into correspondance classes for psychology and applying for fasfa. We will see where that goes. I am currently in the Q.U.E.E.N program Queens United to Educate and Empower the Next generation Such a powerful class. I have completed others like women inspiring women, Anger managment, Drug education, Intro to horticulture, Tutor training, Intro to accounting, and a few ace packets for education as well. I am still on the wait list for many others. Im looking to keep growing to keep learning and do whatever it takes to become a better me so I can in turn be a better person for others.

I would like to journal more often and about the day to day in here. I have a physical journal I write in already now I just need to get enough trulinks to be able to post it here as well.

I will post at a later time majority of the books Ive read and what theyve done for me.
I appreciate this platform and hope that it is also a guide for many others!

Thank you and have a great day!