Journal Entry: Jeffrey Lamont Liddell-08/29/2024

Journal Entry

Today was a very difficult, yet uplifting day for me. today I had to walk away from a person who I care for deeply. it was a very hard choice, but I realize in order for me to grow and become the person I dream of becoming, or accomplishing what I dream of accomplishing. I can’t surround myself with people that’s content with mediocrity or doing the same thing that landed me and so many others in prison or an early grave. today was uplifting because I realized my growth. years ago I wouldn’t been able to walk away from this person and be okay with it. daily I strive for excellence, not saying that I’ve ever reached it, but I’m brave enough to try time and time again. In the past I was a person that always had to be the center of attention, now I find joy in being around people who I can learn from. more and more I’m starting to realize my value and also how beautiful this world truly is. change is real, it’s not easy but it’s real and it’s lovely and it’s more than worth it.

To the person that’s reading this, if you have dead weight around you. people who you’ve outgrown or is just plain old bad for business please don’t be afraid to let them go. everyone can’t go where you’re destined to go. if you ask me I will tell you that people come into our lives for a reason or a season. enjoy the time allotted, don’t hold on longer than the time that has been granted because you might miss out on your next blessing.. remember the better we come as people, the better we will attract.