Journal Entry: Jeffery John Okeefe

Journal Entry

Its been a while since I’ve submitted a journal entry to my bio. But a lot has happened since then. I was accepted to the Residential Drug and Alcohol (RDAP) program and began programming in the program in January of 2024. Because of my involvement if I’m successful in completing it I will be granted a reduced sentence. I also was able to get the 2 point sentence reduction as well. If all goes well I should be released to a halfway house on November 20th of this year. Say a prayer this happens for me.

Though I haven’t written in a while I still have been busy with and am grateful for the work that Mr. Santos has and continues to do. I look forward to becoming more involved when I am finally released. But thought you might all like to know of a recent seminar I had the privilege’s to lead and host for the RDAP program which focused entirely on Mr. Santos book “Success After Prison” The seminar went over many of the key components of the book and was extremely well received. I’ve since have given the book to the complex library where it is in high demand.

On a personal note, this book has helped me think much more positive about my own future and the many possibilities upon my release. As I’ve stated in the past I am very grateful for the consistent, steady work and encouragement that Mr. Santos continues to offer.

His advocacy efforts are commendable. Recognizing that roughly 85% of all inmates are incarcerated for something to do with drugs. And that the length of these sentences are disproportionately obsessive; much advocacy work has to be done to address this. More emphasis also needs to be placed on rehabilitation and recovery rather that simply locking someone up. The many men I have met in prison are decent human beings who have had addiction problems and don’t deserve the long sentences they have been given. I hope I can help with this when released.