Good morning. First, I would like to thank Michael Santos and whoever else is responsible for me receiving the release plan workbook. I really appreciate it and I needed that outline. I know that it’s going to be tons of great info inside that will get me to the point where I can really write a good release plan. I haven’t been journaling as much due to various situations. by me not being used to journaling I will do what I usually do when I’m dealing with something which is dive into my studies and stay away. Inside of here its so many things that affect a person If you aren’t involved you will stiff feel it. Added to that in here a person depends on people in the outside world to aid them with things I’m unable to do on my own. It’s really frustrating to me when I need help and am unable to get it because of the people who can help feel so overwhelmed with life a person in prison is the last thing they are thinking about. I don’t ask anybody to do difficult stuff because I know it won’t get done. so I keep it simple and I get told that they have so much going on give them a few weeks and it really throws me off. I’m not speaking about financial things it might be making a phone call or whatever. so when I feel my progress is slowed or stopped out there and with the day to day prison stuff I go into a shell and focus on never putting myself in this position again. I will never commit another crime and subject myself to this some days I cant believe I was the way I was. looking at people in here it’s hard to believe that was me at one time. with this sentence and this being my 18th year, I feel like my sentence is overkill now. regardless I continue to learn and work on bettering myself so I can hit the ground running but frustration is real!