After I wrote the journal last week the 30th the next day was my birthday and we had commissary that day so I decided that I would buy a notebook and start journaling. I did it because I feel like it will make me get better with journaling and make me set and complete goals and congratulate myself for doing it. plus it will be practice for my new path to do new things. the entries are not that good if I must say so myself but I think if I make it a daily thing I will improve in all phases of life. I completed 50 letters for 50 different colleges and universities to see if it’s an opportunity for me to get into a correspondence course or whatever way I can advance my learning. I have been working with the re-entry coordinator with finding out about different community organizations around the area of my initial release. I found about 10. I have been drafting those letters as well. I’m only able to send out 5 letters a day due to us only being able to get 5 labels a day.
the next thing I started working on was my release plan. this is the hardest thing ever! I didn’t know how it was supposed to be formatted or what was supposed to be in it. So I freestyled. I asked around but no one knew about release plans. I think that one of the important things to remember in this new journey is that sometimes on the road to change things that some people think are easy or no-brainers are foreign to others. A lot of people might not admit it but writing a release plan isn’t easy and a template of some sort is needed. That’s just my opinion.