It was bound to happen. Scores of men locked up in close proximity. Winter respiratory viruses
circulating around. Sure enough, I got it.
I started off with laryngitis. No other symptoms. Just almost completely lost my voice. jThen, of
course, came the congestion, feeling feverish, gradually progressing to a bad cough and fatigue.
Oh, the fatigue. I’m not one to nap, but this upper respiratory infection really caused fatigue. I
have been napping once, sometimes twice a day. So unlike me.
Luckily, the worst is behind me. I’m getting my strength back; my cough is better, no more
“feverish” feeling. I’ve taken my yoga classes this weekend and was able to complete them
without difficulty. My whole unit is in various stages of this respiratory virus. Night time is no
longer silent. It’s punctuated with the frequent coughing of all of us afflicted.
I took good care of my self and I’m proud of that. I listened to my body. I rested when I was
tired. I didn’t force myself to go to the library or to the recreation center if I didn’t feel up to it. I
didn’t eat if I wasn’t hungry, and ate well when I was. I made sure to stay hydrated.
Today, Easter Sunday, promises to be a nice day outside. I’m feeling stronger so I’m going to
take a nice long walk around the outside track today after lunch. I will be listening to my body
and enjoying the day.