I had a pleasant surprise last evening. I was in the recreation center and had just finished 30
minutes on the exercise bicycle. As I was walking past the front desk to get a wipe to clean off the
bicycle, the attendant said to me “Are you Goulin?” “Yes”, I replied. He turned around and
grabbed a clear plastic bag full of goodies and handed them to me. I was confused. “Bingo”, he
said. Then I remembered I had won the first game of Bingo that was held over Presidents’ Day
Weekend. I assumed I would win a candy bar or something. When I got back to my unit, I
opened the bag. Among the delights were a Hostess cherry pie, a granola bar, 4 packets of
instant oatmeal, Pop Tarts, potato chips, flaming hot Doritos and 2 small bags of peanuts.
A few of the items I really wanted, the rest, not so much. What to do with the stuff I didn’t want?
I didn’t really want to sell it (stamps are the currency here) and get involved in the “prison
hustle”. Just giving it away isn’t a great idea either – being too generous leads to being taken
advantage of. My bunkmate has been wonderful to me. Helping me learn the system and also
lending me a radio and earphones until I can purchase my own. I will give him a few of the items
as a way to express my gratitude for lending me those items – a repayment of sorts. That way I
pay back his kindness, rather than just give the items away.
It’s a strange new world here in prison, with its whole set of unspoken rules. But slowly and
surely I’m adapting and learning.
I continue to broaden my horizons and challenge myself by getting out of my comfort zone. I’ve
now completed two 12-hour adult continuing education courses: one on financial literacy, the
other on the history of the Broadway musical. With over 120 courses offered, my biggest
question now is “what should I take next?”