Fleming James Ivory
Moment of Power Post
Re: The Gift of Light
Genesis 1:3
And God said, Let there be Light
and there was (past tense) light.”
Notice, it does not say God created light, as a matter of fact later on in the Christian scriptures (New Testament).
1 John 1:5 tells us that God is light and there is no darkness in him. The gospels tells us, just as we do not hide candles on candles sticks secretly or under a bushel, we should not hide our light in Christ Jesus.
Tis’ the season for lights. I must tell you “I absolutely love Christmas lights.” It brings out something good in the human seemingly (joy, peace, calm). The Hebrew word for light is “or” with a housetop accent over the “o.” It means that light has the power to cause darkness immediately to disperse, vanish, end. Wow! We have the power of light when we allow love, truth, honesty, fairness, decency to dwell in our hearts.
This “I know” for many who are incarcerated or surrounding by others who enjoy the pleasures of darkness and evil; but, I am a witness, getting rid of the constant anxieties of darkness and allowing the power of light to shine, life is so much better.
Now, notice , the scriptures said “LET THERE BE LIGHT.” In my mind because light already existed in God, the only thing needed to happen was the power of “Let.” If you have God in your life, just simply “Let.”
Matthew 5:16
“Let you light so shine before men that they may SEE your good works and glorify the father which is in heaven.”
Walking in a new path, deciding to leave the past where it belongs, in the past and walking only in light, will:
Definitely keep you from recidivism.
Bless others who see the light in you
Encourage others to walk in the light.
Every week during this Advent season, I will share a post of
wonderful gifts of God.
Enjoy the gift of Light
Allow it to Illuminate
Lead You
Show others the Way.