Journal Entry: Fleming J Ivory-12/02/2024-Moment of Power Profile/Blog Post Be Thankful

Journal Entry

1 Thessalonians 5:18

“In everything give thanks,
for this is the will of God, in Christ
concerning you.”

During the holidays, such a scripture can be
challenging, especially for those who
are incarcerated and/or have experienced major losses.

While confined to the thralldoms of prison
for over three and a half years, short time
considering others have served much longer times,
finding joy that gives me strength have given me
a peace beyond all understanding.

I often think about how God insisted that Moses take the children
of Israel by the way of the Red Sea and then the longest route
in the wilderness called, “Sin.” I mean the actual
name of the wilderness they journey is Sin.
Even that route could have been traveled within months; but, it took over forty years.

We must remember that those who made it through such ordeal are the ones who remember
to give thanks, before, during and after the Red Sea and the wilderness.
Also, it’s important that we remember that, Without the Red Sea, Pharaoh, or the Wilderness,
there would not be much more left to celebrate the life of Moses.

Romans 8:28 tells us,
“We KNOW that all things work together
for good to them that love the Lord and to them who are called
to his purpose.”

I thank God for my Pharaohs, My Red Seas and My Wilderness.
From them, with them and through them, God has given me a testimony.
Because of the TEST
have changed (mony-ed).
Five books and counting have been written.
Eight men have escaped suicide
Souls have been saved and there’s more to celebrate
Now, I will be back in the free world m after facing 30 years to life.

The gift of life is priceless, I’ve learned during my gift of wilderness.
My former wife told me when I was at the end of my road (life) and
she gave me a great gift with this word:

You will not die, you will live…..

Psalm 118:17
I shall not die, but live
and declare the works of the Lord.

Friends, do not allow depression to win this time around….
Celebrate as you walk through your red sea
and shout going through your witness.
They are the gifts of victorious testimonies.