Moment of Power #8
Freedom Indeed
John 8:36
He that the son has made free, is free indeed…
John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free
On July 4th, we will be celebrating liberty and independence here in the USA. I say to you, true freedom for any of us is when we accept the truth as it relate to 1. God’s purpose for humanity (salvation, sanctification, holiness and a life that pleases him as we love others as ourselves, loving God First) 2. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the light… 3. Being honest and truthful about who we are, our past and sincere intentions for the now and our future.
I was given the choice to continue to lie to my attorney and the world that I “did not commit a crime,” or to be forever free from my past, tell the truth, face what’s coming and trust God for true freedom from the sin(s) that caused my incarceration. One morning a chaplain at Core Civic Mason, TN said. “Fleming your best way out of this is the truth, even if it means incarceration. At that time I was facing 30 years to life. I agreed with him and told my attorney I wanted to confess. Well, I did not get 30 years, or 20 or 10. I got a little over 5 years and now will be going home in less than a month (well Half Way House).
I have been blessed to make a positive difference in the lives of so many men in six facilities, some were on suicidal watch and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. I have completed four books (author) that will change lives and I no longer live with the guilt of the past. Free at Last.
Brothers and Sisters, allow freedom to ring in your hearts and souls. Let freedom ring in your “being honest and telling the truth.” You will experience true freedom when you accept real truth regarding your life, fix it, plan a better path with a clear conscious.”
When you allow freedom to joyfully ring in your life perpetually, without question, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lauded, you will be able to sing…
Free at Last
Free at Last
Thank God Almighty
I’m Free At Last