Happy New Me!
2Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature: old things are past away; behold
all things are become new.”
Again, every day, the human’s body rapped in epithelium (spelling ? LOL), the largest organ of
the human’s body. In 365 days that organ that organ has been completely renewed, by the old cells dying daily, and new cells replacing the old. What an amazing reminder God has given his creation to indicate, every day is a new day. Really every second is another chance.
When we accept new life in Christ Jesus, we must realize the old man (woman), if we allow is gone.
One day when I was yet married, I told my former spouse, “I do not like the person I have become.” She replied, “Then become a new person.” That’s more powerful to me today than it was then, and it was powerful then. It got my attention.
Now that I have become a new person, it’s exciting to know that I can walk in newness in life. Redemption is only effective and useful, if the redeemed accepts the new life. Notice, the scripture says… Behold…in other words “LOOK”. all things have become new.
Many may never give the redeemed a second look of their new lives; but, you must continue to look at the newness in your changed life, and as the skin organ, allow the old to die daily so that the new can come alive.
Happy New Me!