Journal Entry: Ethan Motta-11/29/2024-Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Journal Entry

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!
We are on lockdown status right now and I only have a few minutes to be out of my cell…but I just wanted to take the time to wish all of you a happy turkey day…I’m praying we get out this weekend and get back to normalcy by this coming monday.
These guys have been overdosing and falling out over here and some of them have been attacking the guards when they go to render aid….its crazy…but yeah so is prison life….I’m hoping to get outta here soon and I’ve been working really hard to gather as much letters of support from everybody out there as well as in here.
If you haven’t already gone to my fb page you will find that I posted a sample letter to President Biden with instructions for everybody to follow….we need to get as much letters sent directly to him as soon as possible to compel him and his staff to call over here to verify that my warden and assistant warden are willing to recommend for my early release.
Anyway check out my fb page and try your best to spread the word and add my fb link…we need to get as much letters to the Prez as possible…he leaves office soon and we really have like 30 days to get our message to him before the inauguration of the new President.
Alright everybody Happy Thanksgiving and just know that I appreciate all you do for me.
Aloha & God Bless always.

P.S. Man…some stuffing and gravy sounds sooo onolicious right now….ha! ha! ha!