Journal Entry: Estevan Baquera-07/15/2024

Journal Entry

Today is Monday and I’m waiting to go to work at Unicore. This semester I was not able to get any college classes because I already completed the ones being offered. I planned to be done with my associate’s degree by 2025 but this might push back my plans. I think attending college through another school through the mail would help me reach my goals on time. I just need to learn where to write to and how to go about registering at another college. I know there are ways to pay for college I’m just not exactly sure how to right now. I keep a notebook in my cell and have been practicing writing. It’s convenient because of the constant lockdowns here. Prison offers me plenty of resistance in trying to accomplish my goals. I try not to get frustrated because I understand how resistance can make you strong. Got to stay free, in my mind and heart.