Journal Entry: Eric Kursim-03/16-17/2024

Journal Entry

Saturday and Sunday, March 16th and 17th

Common theme – weekends are the worst here and today was especially so. Fog had come in overnight so we were shut down until lunch for security purposes. We were restricted to our housing units until lunchtime. It was so foggy that it was dark inside with the lights off for the weekend, so I pretty much slept until 10.

The weather in the afternoon turned out really nice, so I took advantage. Extra laps and pushups! I then sat down and chit-chatted with a couple of guys, where I learned more about chickens and quails than I ever wanted to know! lol

After rereading some of my journals, I realized how boring it is here and how hard it is to write anything remotely interesting. If you’ve made it this far, thank you!

Sunday – I woke up to a long email from my friend Dave detailing a bourbon share he and my brother Tom attended. It sounds like they had a great time and I appreciate Dave including me with such a detailed review!