Journal Entry: Eduardo Luis Valdes-12/17/2024-Day 1189

Journal Entry

A busy Saturday…
A beautiful Sunday…
Spent time with Mima and my step-dad at visit on Monday.

Here we are today, Tuesday December 17, 2024. I have a full schedule ahead of me.

6:30am: I sit up in bed, pull off my eye-shade, turn myself to the left so my legs hang off the side of my bunk so I can more comfortably fold my sheets and organize my bed-space. Admission and Orientation starts at 7:30 sharp in the chapel; need to be ready in 30 minutes.

6:55am: I am washed up, dressed, shoes on tight, and a cup of tea in hand as I walk out of the Glasshouse into the main dayroom to wait for Counselor Cornavaca.

He is coming down the stairs from his office, and he spots me. We walk side-by-side out of the unit as the officer calls the 7:00am move.

Once in the chapel, I turn on the lights, open the media closet, and prepare the system for the PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act), DVD to be played for the thirty guys who most recently arrived at the institution. I sit and wait until I am needed. One staff member from the Education department arrives and I step to her side to translate what she is presenting. Once she completes, our supervisor chaplain approaches the front and I stay in my spot to also translate what he has to say. I see Counselor Cornavaca returning to the chapel with a stack of papers which we pass out to each person to sign as part of their attendance, and I gather them as they are completed, as we wait for the move back to our units.

Chicken patty day today, so I know Mr. Rivero should be awake and getting ready to go to lunch but as I walk into the unit, I see him slowly walking towards the Glasshouse to visit Mr. Campos, but he is still dressed in sweats and his hair needs a brush badly. I say good morning to him, and continue over to my room to read my daily devotionals for today, but what touched me the most was from the Bible.

According to my Bible Reading Plan, today I read from Exodus 19:16 – 20:21 (Sinai and Ten Commandments).

In Exodus 20:20, “Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”

This caught my eye mostly because I can say from experience, that I have truly learned so much about the Word of God that I take the time to practice what is right in His eyes on a daily basis. I know what it is like to come across something that is wrong in His eyes and feel that “fear” inside of me pulling me away from it. God allows these tests in our lives, to see which “road” we take. I can continue on this path and overcome any and all obstacles with Him in my heart, and some day be able to share what I have experienced, with those who are still in the things of the world.

I’m ready to go, Mr. Rivero’s wheelchair is “gassed up, tire pressure checked” and push handles disinfected. As soon as they call for chow, we are on our way. As we arrive into the dining room, we could see on other trays they are serving chicken breast today with white rice, beans, tomato, lettuce, mayonnaise and a pack of cookies for a snack. Mr. Rivero thought the chicken wasn’t properly prepared so he handed over half of his to me, which I did not complain about one bit, even though I really do try for him to eat all his food, he gets mad at me if I don’t take it, and will threaten to throw it away.

We are rolling on back to the unit after lunch, hoping I could get back in time to drop off Mr. Rivero, grab my things and head to the chapel before they close the compound. Three guys are waiting for me so they could follow me into the chapel to watch movies. I spend some time setting up the three televisions with the DVD’s they requested to see, cleaned the restroom and organized the DVD watching log, and sign-in sheets that were used yesterday. Tonight is The Chosen, Season 2, Episode 1, and it is all I could think about. I sit with the chaplain and we talk about Christmas Eve service and a special Christmas episode of The Chosen that we will play on Sunday evening for both English and Spanish groups.

Time for count, I head back to the unit and call my dad.
“Thank God you called at this time because I have a scheduled call at the normal time you call and I wouldn’t have been able to answer”, my dad tells me.
“Wow, and the reason I am calling at this time is because as soon as they clear count, and call a move I am going straight to the chapel to watch the episode from The Chosen that I missed last week due to the lockdown”, I responded.

It all worked out and as soon as I ended the call I went to my room, prepared a Matzo cracker with gouda cheese spread, and some Italian seasoning. The move is called and I am on my way out to the chapel. The chaplain lets me in, and I begin preparing for the evening. As soon as my watch showed 5:00pm, I hit PLAY on the player and began watching the last episode from season 1 and as I sat there, many began entering the chapel to wait for the next episode as scheduled. It ended right on time, as we prepared for the “showing”. Everyone arrived, move ended, and Chaplain Hostler led us in an opening prayer, then we began the episode.

Many cried, it was an excellent episode, and much was learned, but unfortunately we could not participate in the Bible study portion of it due to an situation on the compound that had us all return to our units. Here we are once again locked in, and actually hoping for a full day locked in tomorrow so we could rest and watch television.

8:00pm and over the PA system we hear “FULL RECALL, EVERYONE BACK TO THEIR CELLS”. Once again I am thankful that I have been able to obtain a room in the Glasshouse where we continue to have access to the computers and phones to stay in contact with family and friends. Oh yea, to type my journals also.

8:45pm, I am showered, and ready to end the day. I am eating a few “chicken bites” that I have from commissary, while I type my journal. Bon-Bon just came by the computer stations, and interrupted my typing. Good thing I don’t pay too much attention to him at times, but he tells me, “Ehm, dice Piruli y Popote que vayas para alla, que te quieren hablar”.

It gave me a nice laugh, he gives everyone a code name around here, but it is all in good humor between the few of us. I just called mom, and we blew through the fifteen minute phone call, but at least it was a productive, positive conversation, and mima was there as well, to hear my voice, she says.

I’m going to end the night with this. I pray Father God asking for your love always, thanking you for all you do and for always taking care of me and guiding me. Thank you dear Lord for showing me how to be a better person, and remaining humble amongst all things. Father God please take care of and watch over my family, friends and loved ones. Thank you Jesus, in your name I pray, Amen.

Eduardo Luis Valdes
December 17, 2024