Journal Entry: Eduardo Luis Valdes-07/12/2024-Day 1031

Journal Entry

I had a great day today. Even though I spent eight hours of my day working in the Chapel, I will say it was a productive and fun day. Today the Jewish community celebrated “Yeshiva”. Several volunteer Rabbi’s visited and provided studies, prayers and songs throughout the day. It was nice to see my fellow inmates having a good time celebrating amongst their group and I was happy to help them get set up with the drumsticks and the piano. One of the inmates would sing opera on the outside and his voice is amazing with the acoustics in the chapel. Later in the day for the 4 pm count I felt drained, I got in bed and fell asleep quickly until the officers announced, “Count Time”. I was up and out when the count was cleared and ready for the evening services. I called my dad before heading out, had a nice conversation with him, then went over to the Chapel to ready what was needed for the evening services.

The day is ending, I am listening to 940AM radio as the Marlins are currently losing to the Reds, and about to head to my room for the night. Tomorrow is a new day, need to be up early for the morning services in the Chapel like every Saturday, then it’s visit time with mom and mima. I can’t wait, I hope things go smoothly tomorrow.