Journal Entry: Eduardo Ledesma-06/19/2024-Entry 1

Journal Entry

Entry 1: Journaling

Michael Santos has journeyed through prison far longer than many of us will. Having experienced the different environments associated with various security levels he provides us with a beacon of guidance to help us get through the experience of prison, but this guidance is not just a, “follow until you arrive road map’. Far from that, this guidance requires a hands-on approach with the first step leading us to journaling our journey.

Journaling is a concept most of us are familiar with, yet ironically most of us have never done, tried, and/or still don’t do. I’m 30 years old and this is the first journal entry I make in my entire life. I’ve decided to journal because of the light Mr. Santos put on it. In addition, I understand what he means by the social contributions we can make to our communities by means of journaling.

In closing this entry, I’m excited to look back at this log 6 months to 1 year down the road, to measure the social Good I’ve added to society.