Journal Entry: Dustin Strange-10/13/2024

Journal Entry

I’m abit blue today. Nothing is wrong just struggling to maintain sight of the end goals. I’ve always struggled abit with depression but have got better at recognizing the signs with age. I think life is about cycles going up, going down, but always moving one way or another. With knowledge of these cycles I don’t have to feed into these feelings. I can choose to do things that bring me up and just be in the moment. Incarceration is not easy, multiple years even less so, but choices today effect tomorrow’s reality. So even though I’m just abit off today, it’s one foot in front of the other, sticking to the script, doing the things I’ve got to do to get through this, and making positive choices which will allow me to grow and not give into to despair and gloom. The rest of today’s goals are to complete section #2 in Psychology, a workout (1200 reps= 1 1/2 hours), write a letter to my beautiful wife, and start a craft thing for Lowboy. I get stronger each day.