After the minor setback in my outlook yesterday things are back on track in my opinion. It really can be a matter of attitude. I just made up my mind it did not matter and it didn’t. I’ve been up and about all morning yogaed, shaved, meditated, journaling, ordered commissary, and feeling good about life in general. I spoke to my wife this morning she is doing well I’m super proud of the way she is putting things together for herself. I knew she had it in her and I am so very happy in seeing her shine again. Today brings some more of the Psychology reading this course is going to take me quite some time but even if I do not complete it before I leave I have a better understanding of how the mind operates which I think will fit nicely into my ultimate goal of helping others thought he recovery process. Using this time to learn and grow is going to be the stepping stone into great things and I’ve got to keep that in mind in order to stay focused. One thing at a time, one day at a time, this all seems manageable.