I think I am a bit under the weather today I did not sleep well and am all sniffley this morning. I think I’ll get some extra rest today maybe try for a nap at some point. I think it was the workout into 4 basketball games that sapped my energy yesterday. I don’t play often; I don’t ever get winded but that got me. I’m hoping they do commissary here soon so that by early afternoon everyone’s sugar/coffee high will wear off and it’ll settle down in here. Wednesday is always challenging in this place. I’ve been up and about since before 6 am yogaed, meditated, and checked out all sorts of religious stuff on the tablets. Some interesting perspectives for sure, I think I might listen to the Holy Koran audiobook because Islam has always been a mystery for me, I’d like to know more. I also want to check out some of the Hindu/Buddhism stuff as well. Anything to keep learning. They may be able to hold my body but they will never be able to stop me from learning. I grow stronger every day.