Journal Entry: Dustin Strange-10/04/2024

Journal Entry

Today has been good so far although I felt as though I needed extra sleep this morning. It was phenominal sleep, the kind where dreams were meaningful and vibrant. Maybe I needed to process some things. I feel rested and positive about my reality and my place within it. Today is a bit sad for me. My second oldest child’s birthday around this time with my only daughter’s next month. Sometimes I wonder if they ever think of me, if they are happy or sad, what kind of life they are living. It was never my choice that they are not a part of my life and I hope someday they will realize that for better or worse. On a brighter note, I get to celebrate my wife’s victories in her family affairs. She is doing well all things considered I’m very proud. My goals today are to watch some more Edovo education videos, go outside to do my workout, hopefully get some sunshine, start the 2nd phase of psychology reading, and the cleaning a bit later. Moving forward each day despite being stuck in this god awful county jail is essential for my recovery. Through educational opportunities, living vicariously through my wife’s victories, the love and support of my grandparents, I grow stronger every day.