Journal Entry: Dustin Strange-09/03/2024

Journal Entry

Feels good to be up early doing positive things. I had a good yoga session and was able to focus in the quiet for my meditations. I’m shaved properly groomed and ready for the day. Todays goals include finishing this 12 step course on Edovo and knocking out a big chunk of the College Comp reading. Which will be a challenge because after 5 pages my eyes start closing. It smells like it was raining outside so I don’t know if they will let us outside or not today but I will do the workout either way. although I am motivated its easier with a partner, but I think mine is leaving today or tomorrow. Maybe I’ll find another but most don’t last a week. I try to do 1200 reps in an hour, 300 of 4 separate exercises which isn’t an easy task. All things considered I feel good about life and my place in it at this moment. I’ve people whom love me, my needs are met, and I’ve got a positive focus in personal development that keeps me moving forward. I am a lucky man.