A bit of a slump today. It just is what it is. Can’t be happy all the time just like it can’t rain all the time. I’ve learned through many years of ups and downs. This is just how I am made. Although I am managing my mental health quite well there are times when depression and or anxiety seeps in. I believe the first step is and has always been to recognize when I am a bit off and not to let it carry me in directions I do not want to go. So although I’ll be going through the motions today, the fire is not there. I just got to press on to overcome. Today’s goals are self care #1. Beyond that I am looking at another chapter in the Napolean Hill book, another step in the Recovery Edovo class, and some more college comp, another work out and then some R&R. It’s important for me to remember in times as these that the world doesn’t really care what I am feeling, what matters is what I can do despite not being 100% today. So I’ll “keep on keeping on”.