Another day in the hell hole. They actually let us outside for rec and all we did was go inside the baseball diamond and walk or sit, that was it. I couldn’t go to my usual spot under the tree to just chill. There were 6 COs outside keeping an eye on us. lol If there were that many like usual than there wouldn’t be a problem. Rec is horrible, everywhere you look someone is lighting up. I maybe see one CO outside and they are sitting in the shed where there is air conditioning. lol So pathetic seriously. I was told that regular work will not happen until this bullshit is over. I heard someone died from the K2, which isn’t surprising at all. She was blue when she left our unit so i am assuming it was that girl but u know is so credible. Now i have to wait until this is done for a case manager to actually do their job. I seriously dispeize Ms… Payne. I have to pray no cuz all i want to do is hurt her the way i have been hurt.