I am still waiting for my A&O (Administration & Orientation) meeting. It is supposed to happen within 30 days of your arrival, but I know some guys who have not yet had it and they have been here for 45 days so far. Once that happens, I will then be allowed to get a job. It looks like I will be working in the office at Unicor – a government owned entity that clothes, furniture and equipment for the military and Bureau of Prisons, as well as other parts & equipment that I don’t even know about. The general office for Unicor all US facilities is here at FMC Lexington. I have already spoken to a supervisor and she said with my experience I will be hired in her office for either accounting or customer service. Working at Unicor gives you programming credit under the First Step Act (FSA) that will knock off 35% of my time. Good Time credits will knock off 15% of my time. I am eligible for both.
I am also signed up to co-teach an Adult Cooperative Education (ACE) class on business sometime in the next few weeks, which also gives me FSA credit.
In terms of signing up to take FSA classes, I am signed up for all that I can be signed up for & they are listed below. The important thing is that you are signed up for them and you are on a waiting list. You get credit being on the list because it may be quite awhile before there is actually room in the class.
- Unicor
- Faith Based Conflict Management
- House of Healing
- Threshold
- Embracing InterFaith Concepts
- Arthritis: Walking with Ease
- Talking with Your Doctor
- Brain Health as You Age