While it woudl be nice to say that every day is a good day and I can consistently be happy and mentally strong, ticking off each of my goals as soon as possible, but that is not a reality. I was supposed to go see about a job in the Unicor office at 8:00, but the guards let them all go at 7:30 so I missed the meeting. I decided to go to the library to finish a book report, eat lunch and then go to Unit Open House at 12:30. When I got there, I found out that Thursday’s open house is at 9:30, not 12:30. I won’t make that mistake again, but the day was still way off.
The only good thing that happened is that one of my new friends is a J6er who has not gotten any mail from his family since he arrived over three months ago – not because they don’t send any – but because the prison doesn’t give it to him. He gave a guard a piece of his mind and the guard called for two more guards to come over and “provide back-up.” He wasn’t going to hit anyone, but he sat down after that and was still mad. I think the thing that set him off was that I had gotten mail and was only here for 13 days. I told him to calm down and focus on the big picture – that Trump will more than likely grant clemency early next week and he would be out then. That seemed to help, so I guess something good came out of today.
I called my daughter at college and talked to her about her classes. My wife & 3 children (although 2 are full grown adults) will be coming to visit for the first time in 2 days, so I am happy about that. I realized that today was not the most productive for me, but I would try to start off tomorrow strong and committed. I guess even in federal prison you are allowed to have a bad day.
One funny thing – I told my cellmates I was giving up federal prison for Lent. That got a good laugh out of them.